Tuesday, December 15, 2015
The exam review is linked below - it is for your information and is not an assignment. The key to the review is linked below as well so that you can self-check any sections of the review you choose to undertake. It is a very comprehensive review of concepts for the exam - the exam itself is an EOC/STAAR style test as we have taken for 9 week tests in the past.
Monday, December 14, 2015
12/14 ... Monday ... Finishing Rough Drafts ... Submitting the Essay... Exam Info
Students will write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues. Students will use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
No Warm-up today - go to work on your final draft.
- Finish Self-editing and revising your rough draft using the following checklist - note your changes and revisions in red or in a different color than you used for the rough draft.
- Finish typing your Final Draft using Word Online or Google Docs. Share your final draft with me with whatever app you are using to type it.. The Final Draft MUST be typed in MLA format. See the checklist and sample essay below for reminders on MLA form.
- The SHARE button (regardless of app) is near the upper right of the screen - share it with my email: Richard.Davis@sfisd.org ... once it is shared, I will have access to it, but you may continue to update and work on it. Final Drafts are DUE by Friday 12/18 and MUST be shared with me by that date (at the latest).
Santa Fe High School Fall 2015 Semester Exam Schedule
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
1st Period – Final Exam 7:15 AM - 9:15 AM
2nd Period – Review 9:25 AM - 10:25 AM
3rd Period – Review 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM
Indian Hour 11:45 AM-12:30 PM
Review Session I 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Review Session II 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Wednesday, December 16, 2015-NO LATE ARRIVAL
2nd Period – Final Exam 7:15 AM - 9:15 AM
3rd Period - Attendance 9:20 AM – 9:30 AM
4th Period – Final Exam 9:35 AM – 11:35 AM
Indian Hour 11:45 AM-12:30 PM
Review Session I 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Review Session II 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Thursday, December 17, 2015
5th Period – Final Exam 7:15 AM - 9:15 AM
3rd Period - Attendance 9:20 AM – 9:30 AM
6th Period – Final Exam 9:35 AM –11:35 AM
Indian Hour 11:45 AM-12:30 PM
Review Session I 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM
Review Session II 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM
Friday, December 18, 2015 — Early Release
3rd Period – Final Exam 7:15 AM - 9:15 AM
7th Period – Final Exam 9:25 AM – 11:25 AM
***Buses will leave at 11:30***
Friday, December 11, 2015
12/11 ... Friday ... Editing and Beginning Final Drafts
Students will write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues. Students will use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
Finish and show me your finished essay rough draft
- Self-edit and revise your rough draft using the following checklist - note your changes and revisions in red or in a different color than you used for the rough draft.
- Begin typing your Final Draft using Word Online or Google Docs. We will submit final drafts electronically via Edmodo next week. The Final Draft MUST be typed in MLA format. See the checklist and sample essay below for reminders on MLA form.
Thursday, December 10, 2015
12/10 ... THURSDAY! ... Finishing esssy rough drafts!
Students will write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues. Students will use elements of the writing process (planning, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing) to compose text.
- Finish persuasive essay rough drafts.today! Keep in mind the final draft will be a major grade!
- We will finish rough drafts today and will edit and begin final drafts tomorrow.
Wednesday Essay Info ...
- Begin rough drafting your persuasive essay from the topic you selected on Monday. Your prewriting is available on the stool at the front of the room. The rough draft should be handwritten (on paper, DUH) ...
- Essays should be (roughly) 5-6 paragraphs with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A good source for a brief review on essay structure (from Arizona State University .. Go Sundevils) can be found here: PERSUASIVE ESSAY STRUCTURE
- In terms of length, essays should be 400 words or so. Content is more important than quantity, but remember that quality content requires providing support/proof for the statements you make ... not JUST making the statement.
- Take a CLEAR STANCE ... do not be a politician and try to have it both ways ... TAKE A STAND ... STATE IT CLEARLY IN YOUR THESIS ... and then make your points.
- Be sure to recognize and discuss dissenting arguments as well. An effective persuasive paper both supports its argument AND refutes opposing points of view.
- The grading rubric for the paper can be found here: ARGUMENT ESSAY RUBRIC
Monday Essay Prewriting ...
- Decide what stance you will take on one of the following issues and list 5 possible arguments FOR and AGAINST your position. (If you are not sure or have any difficulty thinking up arguments for your issue, consult ProCon.org .. It's a good resource for this). Be specific on where you stand and on the possible arguments for and against. This will serve as your essay prewrite AND must be turned in today before you leave class to receive credit.
- Possible issues to choose from ...
- Electronic Devices in Schools
- Dress Code/School Uniforms
- Standardized Testing
- Choose only one of these topics .. Do some quick research .. Write a thesis that clearly states your stance on the issue. And list 5 possible pro and 5 possible con arguments. Turn in to the top tray on my desk when you're finished.
If you need to make up a test or quiz, you can elect to use class time to do so, but must make sure you stay on track with the essay writing process.
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
12/9 ... Wednesday ... Persuasive Essay Rough Drafting
Objective ...
Students will analyze pro and con arguments for a persuasive writing and will begin rough drafting the essay.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Begin rough drafting your persuasive essay from the topic you selected on Monday. Your prewriting is available on the stool at the front of the room. The rough draft should be handwritten (on paper, DUH) ...
- Essays should be (roughly) 5-6 paragraphs with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. A good source for a brief review on essay structure (from Arizona State University .. Go Sundevils) can be found here: PERSUASIVE ESSAY STRUCTURE
- In terms of length, essays should be 400 words or so. Content is more important than quantity, but remember that quality content requires providing support/proof for the statements you make ... not JUST making the statement.
- Take a CLEAR STANCE ... do not be a politician and try to have it both ways ... TAKE A STAND ... STATE IT CLEARLY IN YOUR THESIS ... and then make your points.
- Be sure to recognize and discuss dissenting arguments as well. An effective persuasive paper both supports its argument AND refutes opposing points of view.
- The grading rubric for the paper can be found here: ARGUMENT ESSAY RUBRIC
Monday ...
- Decide what stance you will take on one of the following issues and list 5 possible arguments FOR and AGAINST your position. (If you are not sure or have any difficulty thinking up arguments for your issue, consult ProCon.org .. It's a good resource for this). Be specific on where you stand and on the possible arguments for and against. This will serve as your essay prewrite AND must be turned in today before you leave class to receive credit.
- Possible issues to choose from ...
- Electronic Devices in Schools
- Dress Code/School Uniforms
- Standardized Testing
- Choose only one of these topics .. Do some quick research .. Write a thesis that clearly states your stance on the issue. And list 5 possible pro and 5 possible con arguments. Turn in to the top tray on my desk when you're finished.
- Medieval Literature (Canterbury Tales) Test - DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST - only on your answer document.
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
12/8 ... Tuesday ... Medieval Lit Test
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze themes and characterization in The Canterbury Tales.
Students will brainstorm and prewrite for a persuasive essay.
Warm-up ...
Review your notes and chart for the test - you may use the chart and any information on it. You will turn the chart in with your answer sheet.
Today ...
Warm-up ...
Review your notes and chart for the test - you may use the chart and any information on it. You will turn the chart in with your answer sheet.
Today ...
- Medieval Literature (Canterbury Tales) Test - DO NOT WRITE ON THE TEST - only on your answer document.
Yesterday ...
Decide what stance you will take on one of the following issues and list 5 possible arguments FOR and AGAINST your position. (If you are not sure or have any difficulty thinking up arguments for your issue, consult ProCon.org .. It's a good resource for this). Be specific on where you stand and on the possible arguments for and against. This will serve as your essay prewrite AND must be turned in today before you leave class to receive credit.
Decide what stance you will take on one of the following issues and list 5 possible arguments FOR and AGAINST your position. (If you are not sure or have any difficulty thinking up arguments for your issue, consult ProCon.org .. It's a good resource for this). Be specific on where you stand and on the possible arguments for and against. This will serve as your essay prewrite AND must be turned in today before you leave class to receive credit.
Possible issues to choose from ...
- Electronic Devices in Schools
- Dress Code/School Uniforms
- Standardized Testing
Choose only one of these topics .. Do some quick research .. Write a thesis that clearly states your stance on the issue. And list 5 possible pro and 5 possible con arguments. Turn in to the top tray on my desk when you're finished.
Monday, December 7, 2015
12/7 ... Monday
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze themes and characterization in The Canterbury Tales.
Students will brainstorm and prewrite for a persuasive essay.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
Warm-up ...
Today ...
Decide what stance you will take on one of the following issues and list 5 possible arguments FOR and AGAINST your position. (If you are not sure or have any difficulty thinking up arguments for your issue, consult ProCon.org .. It's a good resource for this). Be specific on where you stand and on the possible arguments for and against. This will serve as your essay prewrite AND must be turned in today before you leave class to receive credit.
Possible issues to choose from ...
- Electronic Devices in Schools
- Dress Code/School Uniforms
- Standardized Testing
Choose only one of these topics .. Do some quick research .. Write a thesis that clearly states your stance on the issue. And list 5 possible pro and 5 possible con arguments. Turn in to the top tray on my desk when you're finished.
- Be sure you've finished your work on your 200-250 word response to EACH OF the following essay prompts ... (This will count as a quiz grade - post your responses to your blog. They are due on there by Friday!).
- Pardoner's Tale - The Pardoner is depicted as a liar, con man, and, essentially, a thief. Yet his tale is very effective morally. What is the message or moral of his tale? How does it contrast with his character traits but still seem appropriate given his values? Do you agree with the message of his tale ... explain.
- Wife of Bath's Tale - The Wife of Bath is depicted as a progressive woman of the time with different ideas about the role and strength of women than Medieval society provides - especially given that she has outlived so many husbands. What is the message or moral of her Tale? How does this compare or contrast with her character traits? Do you agree with the message of her tale ... explain.
- Canterbury Tales EXAM - objective test - Tuesday 12/8. You will need to review Pilgrim info from the Prologue (your charts will be available to you on the exam) as well as the two tales we read. It will be a major grade, so be prepared.
- See Friday's blog for info on quiz make ups or improvement.
Friday, December 4, 2015
12/4 ... FRIDAY! ... Finish essay quiz and make-up opportunities
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze themes and characterization in The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Finish your work on your 200-250 word response to EACH OF the following essay prompts ... (This will count as a quiz grade - post your responses to your blog. They are due on there by Friday!).
- Pardoner's Tale - The Pardoner is depicted as a liar, con man, and, essentially, a thief. Yet his tale is very effective morally. What is the message or moral of his tale? How does it contrast with his character traits but still seem appropriate given his values? Do you agree with the message of his tale ... explain.
- Wife of Bath's Tale - The Wife of Bath is depicted as a progressive woman of the time with different ideas about the role and strength of women than Medieval society provides - especially given that she has outlived so many husbands. What is the message or moral of her Tale? How does this compare or contrast with her character traits? Do you agree with the message of her tale ... explain.
- Canterbury Tales EXAM - objective test - Tuesday 12/8. You will need to review Pilgrim info from the Prologue (your charts will be available to you on the exam) as well as the two tales we read. It will be a major grade, so be prepared.
- If you are missing either of the CT quizzes, today is the day to get them made up. If you are unhappy with your grade on either of the quizzes, you may submit a written summary of the tale (minimum 200 words) to improve your quiz score by one letter grade ... the summary must be detailed and must be written in your own words. Anything plagiarized from an online source will not be accepted.
- Quiz makeups need to be completed in class today if needed. Otherwise you will have to come in on your time after school or during IH next week.
- Quiz improvements may be submitted anytime prior to the Canterbury Tales exam on Tuesday.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
12/3 ... Friday Eve ... WoB Quiz and finishing blog essays!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in The Wife of Bath's Tale.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Prep for Wife of Bath's Tale Quiz.
- Continue your work on your 200-250 word response to EACH OF the following essay prompts ... (This will count as a quiz grade - post your responses to your blog. They are due on there by Friday!).
- Pardoner's Tale - The Pardoner is depicted as a liar, con man, and, essentially, a thief. Yet his tale is very effective morally. What is the message or moral of his tale? How does it contrast with his character traits but still seem appropriate given his values? Do you agree with the message of his tale ... explain.
- Wife of Bath's Tale - The Wife of Bath is depicted as a progressive woman of the time with different ideas about the role and strength of women than Medieval society provides - especially given that she has outlived so many husbands. What is the message or moral of her Tale? How does this compare or contrast with her character traits? Do you agree with the message of her tale ... explain.
- YES ... you have to answer both. YES ... each response is 200-250 words. YES ... you can go over that if you need to.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
12/2 ... Wednesday... More Canterbury
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in The Wife of Bath's Tale.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- View animated versions of "The Pardoner's Tale" & "The Wife of Bath's Tale" on youtube.
- Pardoner - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ep6tvT3NQ_o (Begins at roughly 8:57)
- Wife of Bath - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3zUoNG_P_0 (Begins at roughly 17:46)
- Finish reading "The Wife of Bath's Tale" on pp 184-196 in the literature book and working on the study questions as you read. The study questions are on top of the Chromebook cart and can also be found here: Wife of Bath Study Questions ... WE WILL QUIZ IN CLASS TOMORROW!
- Continue your work on your 200-250 word response to EACH OF the following essay prompts ... (This will count as a quiz grade - post your responses to your blog. They are due on there by Friday!).
- Pardoner's Tale - The Pardoner is depicted as a liar, con man, and, essentially, a thief. Yet his tale is very effective morally. What is the message or moral of his tale? How does it contrast with his character traits but still seem appropriate given his values? Do you agree with the message of his tale ... explain.
- Wife of Bath's Tale - The Wife of Bath is depicted as a progressive woman of the time with different ideas about the role and strength of women than Medieval society provides - especially given that she has outlived so many husbands. What is the message or moral of her Tale? How does this compare or contrast with her character traits? Do you agree with the message of her tale ... explain.
- YES ... you have to answer both. YES ... each response is 200-250 words. YES ... you can go over that if you need to.
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
12/1 ... Tuesday ... Is it really December already???
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in The Wife of Bath's Tale.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Finish reading "The Wife of Bath's Tale" on pp 184-196 in the literature book and working on the study questions as you read. The study questions are on top of the Chromebook cart and can also be found here: Wife of Bath Study Questions
- Once you've finished reading the WoB's Tale ... write a 200-250 word response to EACH OF the following essay prompts ... (This will count as a quiz grade - post your responses to your blog. They are due on there by Friday!).
- Pardoner's Tale - The Pardoner is depicted as a liar, con man, and, essentially, a thief. Yet his tale is very effective morally. What is the message or moral of his tale? How does it contrast with his character traits but still seem appropriate given his values? Do you agree with the message of his tale ... explain.
- Wife of Bath's Tale - The Wife of Bath is depicted as a progressive woman of the time with different ideas about the role and strength of women than Medieval society provides - especially given that she has outlived so many husbands. What is the message or moral of her Tale? How does this compare or contrast with her character traits? Do you agree with the message of her tale ... explain.
- YES ... you have to answer both. YES ... each response is 200-250 words. YES ... you can go over that if you need to.
- Keep your pilgrim charts handy - we will quiz over the pilgrims this week (open chart quiz) and over the Wife of Bath's Tale as well.
Monday, November 30, 2015
11/30 ... Monday ... WELCOME BACK!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in The Wife of Bath's Tale.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Begin Reading "The Wife of Bath's Tale" on pp 184-196 in the literature book and working on the study questions as you read. The study questions are on top of the Chromebook cart and can also be found here: Wife of Bath Study Questions
- Keep your pilgrim charts handy - we will quiz over the pilgrims this week (open chart quiz) and over the Wife of Bath's Tale as well.
Friday, November 20, 2015
11/20 ... Last Day Before the Break ...
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Read the following article online ... Thanksgiving Fun Facts
The in your blog, list the 3 facts you found most interesting and briefly explain why!
NO PILGRIM QUIZ TODAY! Keep your charts - we will quiz when we come back.
Today ...
- Warm Up - Thanksgiving Fun Facts
- Prologue/Pilgrim Quiz after the break
- Check your chart information against Prologue/Pilgrim Quiz Review Info
- TODAY ... Giving Thanks Journal/Letter ... on a sheet of paper, you will write a letter to the person who matters most to you telling them what you are thankful for and why. You will need to show me the completed letter before the end of the period - the assignment should be 250-350 words in length. But once you have shown it to me, you will keep your letter and can deliver it to the person you wrote it to (or not) at your own option.
- The person doesn't have to be living - the person doesn't have to be someone other than yourself. But it must be a real person who is closely connected to you.
Thursday, November 19, 2015
11/19 ... Thursday ... Pardoner's Tale Quiz
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Research the following literary terms ... Dramatic Irony & Situational Irony and define them in your own words.
Review for the Pardoner's Tale Quiz.
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Pardoner's Tale Quiz
- Check your chart information against Prologue/Pilgrim Quiz Review Info
- Finish reading The Pardoner's Prologue beginning on P. 170 and The Pardoner's Tale beginning on P. 173.
- IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING WITH THE STORY OR UNSURE ABOUT ANY PART OF IT ... Go here ... http://www.shmoop.com/pardoners-tale/
- We will quiz over The Pardoner's Tale TODAY!
- We will quiz over The Prologue and Pilgrims on Friday
***Tomorrow, we will be on a special advisory schedule ...
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
11/18 ... Wednesday ... Quiz Prep Day!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Finish "Meet The Pilgrim" Presentations as needed
- Check your chart information against Prologue/Pilgrim Quiz Review Info
- Finish reading The Pardoner's Prologue beginning on P. 170 and The Pardoner's Tale beginning on P. 173.
- IF YOU ARE STRUGGLING WITH THE STORY OR UNSURE ABOUT ANY PART OF IT ... Go here ... http://www.shmoop.com/pardoners-tale/
- We will quiz over The Pardoner's Tale tomorrow in class
- We will quiz over The Prologue and Pilgrims on Friday
***Tomorrow, we will be on a special advisory schedule ...
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
11/17 ... Tuesday ... College and Career Fair Day
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Finish "Meet The Pilgrim" Presentations
- Finish reading The Pardoner's Prologue beginning on P. 170 and The Pardoner's Tale beginning on P. 173.
Monday, November 16, 2015
11/16 ... Monday ... The Pardoner's Tale
To all classes -
Sorry I am out this morning - my truck battery decided that today was a good day to die. We will resume and finish presentations tomorrow. Today, you need to read The Pardoner's Prologue & Tale since basically none of you did so last week. I should be there this afternoon. Email me at Richard.Davis@sfisd.org if you have any questions.
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Read The Pardoner's Prologue beginning on P. 170 and The Pardoner's Tale beginning on P. 173.
- Finished or not, as you read, summarize the events on each page in 1-3 bullet points on a sheet of paper. You will turn in today before you leave class for a daily grade - finished or not. This is your proof that you read as assigned. I will not accept it tomorrow so you MUST turn in what you have.
Friday, November 13, 2015
11/13 ... Friday the 13th ... Continuing Presentations ...
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Pick up a copy of the pilgrim chart for your presentation notes - PRESENTATIONS CONTINUE TODAY!
- We will present in the order that the pilgrims appear in "The Prologue"
- Before you present, make sure you have SHARED your presentation slideshow with me
- If you used GOOGLE SLIDES, it is the BLUE "SHARE" button ... if you used POWERPOINT ONLINE it is the RED "SHARE" button.
- Share with Richard.Davis@sfisd.org
- If you need additional information on the project, see yesterday's blog for the links.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
11/12 ... Thursday ... Project Presentations
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Pick up a copy of the pilgrim chart for your presentation notes - PRESENTATIONS BEGIN TODAY!
- We will present in the order that the pilgrims appear in "The Prologue"
- Before you present, make sure you have SHARED your presentation slideshow with me
- If you used GOOGLE SLIDES, it is the BLUE "SHARE" button ... if you used POWERPOINT ONLINE it is the RED "SHARE" button.
- Share with Richard.Davis@sfisd.org
- If you need additional information on the project, see yesterday's blog for the links.
Wednesday, November 11, 2015
11/11 ... Wednesday ... Veteran's Day
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD
- Pick up a copy of the pilgrim chart for your presentation notes (either today or tomorrow) ... due to the special schedule today, we will postpone presentations one more day so that all classes can stay in sync on what we are doing.
- If you are ready to present, read "The Pardoner's Prologue" on pp. 170-172 and continue with "The Pardoner's Tale" On pp. 173-180. If you are not ready to present, make sure you are by tomorrow and SHARE your presentation slideshow with me
- If you used GOOGLE SLIDES, it is the BLUE "SHARE" button ... if you used POWERPOINT ONLINE it is the RED "SHARE" button.
- Share with Richard.Davis@sfisd.org
- If you need additional information on the project, see yesterday's blog for the links.
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
11/10 ... One More Day for Meet the Pilgrims ... Presentations tomorrow!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- Warm Up - CWoD and get situated with your partners and make sure you are ready to present. Also make sure you make note of tomorrow's schedule ... NO LATE ARRIVAL!

- We will present in class tomorrow - there have been a lot of requests for one more day, so I'm going to bend on that since this is a major grade. You will need to email me (or share your work with me) today.
- FINISH working on the Meet the Pilgrims project - refer to yesterday's blog for the packet and other details. We will begin presentations on Wednesday 11/11 ... so that is when it is DUE!
- Options for making the slideshow for your presentation ...
- Google Slides ... https://www.google.com/slides/about/
- PowerPoint Online ... http://portal.office.com
Monday, November 9, 2015
11/9 ... MONDAY ... Finishing Meet the Pilgrims - Presentations on Tuesday!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
No Warm-Up today ... get to work on Meet the Pilgrims ... we present on Tuesday.
Today ...
- Warm Up - get situated with your partners and get to work!
- Continue working on the Meet the Pilgrims project - refer to yesterday's blog for the packet and other details. We will begin presentations on Tuesday 11/10 ... so that is when it is DUE!
- Options for making the slideshow for your presentation ...
- Google Slides ... https://www.google.com/slides/about/
- PowerPoint Online ... http://portal.office.com
Friday, November 6, 2015
11/6 .. Friday ... Continuing Meet the Pilgrims - Presentations on Tuesday!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
No Warm-Up today ... get to work on Meet the Pilgrims ... we present on Tuesday.
Today ...
- Warm Up - get situated with your partners and get to work!
- Continue working on the Meet the Pilgrims project - refer to yesterday's blog for the packet and other details. We will begin presentations on Tuesday 11/10 ... so that is when it is DUE!
- Options for making the slideshow for your presentation ...
- Google Slides ... https://www.google.com/slides/about/
- PowerPoint Onlnie ... http://portal.office.com
Thursday, November 5, 2015
11/5 ... Interesting Words You Can't Live Without ... and Continuing "Meet the Pilgrims"
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Interesting words you cannot live another day without ... research and define only! You can find them all on Dictionary.com except griffonage and natiform ... you will have to Google those two.
- minimus (human anatomy)
- aglet
- griffonage***
- tines
- natiform***
- glabella
- rasceta
- lunule
- philtrum
- obelus
Today ...
- Warm Up - you may go ahead and get together with your "Meet the Pilgrims" partners during the warm up to save time later.
- Continue working on the Meet the Pilgrims project - refer to yesterday's blog for the packet and other details. We will begin presentations on Tuesday 11/10 ... so that is when it is DUE!
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
11/4 ... Wednesday! ... Meet the Pilgrims Project Begins!
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
The Meet the Pilgrims project will require you to choose the pilgrim(s) you will be working on as well as a partner to work with. You will need to click on the correct link below with your class period to sign up yourself and your partner as well as select your pilgrim(s). 1st and 4th periods will allow the option for some students to work solo if they choose. 2nd and 3rd (due to class size) will require partner work. See the link below and get signed up as your warm-up ... once you have signed up, you or your partner need to get a blank pilgrim chart from me for each pilgrim and will need to look at the electronic version of the project packet -
1st Period
2nd Period
- http://goo.gl/forms/BIhve57tBN
3rd Period
- http://goo.gl/forms/YjV6fy3Zxx
4th Period
- http://goo.gl/forms/TOsXMciOIt
Today ...
- Warm Up
- Begin working on the Meet the Pilgrims project - discussion/questions/etc.
Tuesday, November 3, 2015
11/3/15 - Tuesday - Mentor Sentences and The Canterbury Tales Prologue
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze characterization in the Prologue of The Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
MENTOR SENTENCES - Write an original sentence that uses the same pattern, or structure, as each mentor sentence below. Copy and paste into your blog ... THEN write your own student sentences.
Mentor Sentence - Celia thinks you are in shock, but I think you are just angry
Student Sentence - Coach Davis thinks you are sleeping, but I think you were just resting your eyes.
Mentor Sentence - You can pick your friends, but you're stuck with your family.
Student Sentence -
Mentor Sentence - He could be courteous and helpful on the surface, but you never knew what was going on underneath.
Student Sentence -
Mentor Sentence - Every day was a happy day and every night was peaceful.
Student Sentence -
Today ...
- Mentor Sentences
- No Webquest quiz today ... expect a short quiz over the material tomorrow
- Getting to know our pilgrims ... We are going to continue with the Prologue - but I don't want you to read in-depth. Just scan over each character's description and look for the 2 things that stand out MOST about them (may be positive, negative, or neutral). The is no wrong answer at this point and do not spend too much time on any one character ... we'll get more in-depth later. Just a quick scan for quick ideas, so MOVE QUICKLY so you can fine 2 things on each. Keep your notes in a separate blog entry from the Mentor Sentences Warm Up.
- The Knight - Line 43 (Page 146)
- The Squire - Line 81
- The Yeoman - Line 103
- The Nun - Line 122
- The Monk - Line 169
- The Friar - Line 212
- The Merchant - Line 280
- The Oxford Cleric (Student) - 295
- The Sergeant-at-Law - Line 319
- The Franklin - Line 341
- The Guildsman (The Haberdasher, The Dyer, The Carpenter, The Weaver, & The Carpetmaker) - Line 371
- The Cook - Line 389
- The Skipper - Line 398
- The Doctor - Line 421
- The Wife of Bath - Line 455
- The Parson - Line 487
- The Plowman - Line 539
- The Miller - Line 561
- The Manciple - Line 585
- The Reeve - Line 605
- The Summoner - Line 641
- The Pardoner - Line 689
- The Narrator (Chaucer himself?) - Line 735
- The Host (Harry Bailey) - Line 767
Monday, November 2, 2015
11/2 - Monday - SAT Info, Canterbury Vocab, and Beginning the Prologue
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze primary resources from the time period to gain a deeper understanding of the language and events of the time.
Warm-up ...
CWoD -
Also ... answer the SAT Question of the day ... and include what the correct answer was in your blog. You can find it here: SAT Question of the Day
Be aware that normal registration for the December 5 test ends on Thursday and you will pay fees in addition to the normal test fee of $54.50,
The test this Saturday (November 7) is in waitlist request status only - late registration has ended. You can request to be added to the waitlist but will pay $100.50 if you are granted the opportunity to test.
If you are planning to attend college in the fall and need to take the SAT, you need to make plans to take the test in December if at all possible.
Today ...
- CWoD
- No Webquest quiz today ... expect a short quiz over the material as early as tomorrow or Wednesday
- Before we begin reading The Prologue of The Canterbury Tales, there are some vocabulary terms we need to familiarize ourselves with - create a separate blog entry for "Canterbury Tales - Prologue Vocabulary" and then give each word the same treatment you would for the CWoDs.
- Vocab Terms (6): courtliness, sedately, personable, accrue, malady, and entreaty
- Then read the first 41 lines of "The Prologue" which begins on page 144 in the literature book. be sure to read the associated margin notes for each part to enhance your understanding. You may read beyond this point if you have time, but are not required to.
- If you have not yet done so, make your own virtual pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral through this virtual tour of key areas ... http://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/visit/tour/
- From our webquest we know that this is where the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales are making a pilgrimage to ... so before we read, take a few minutes to see what the big deal is.
Friday, October 30, 2015
10/30 ... FRIDAY! ... Your virtual pilgrimage to Canterbury
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze primary resources from the time period to gain a deeper understanding of the language and events of the time.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- CWoD
- No Webquest quiz today ... expect a short quiz over the material early next week!
- Be sure are finished with the work on "The Paston Letters" from the lit book (p.128) as well as the webquest and the pre-reading activities from the past few days. You may get back with your groups/partners as needed for this.
- Once you have finished, make your own pilgrimage to Canterbury Cathedral through this virtual tour of key areas ... http://www.canterbury-cathedral.org/visit/tour/
- From our webquest we know that this is where the pilgrims in the Canterbury Tales are making a pilgrimage to ... so before we read, take a few minutes to see what the big deal is.
Thursday, October 29, 2015
10/29 ... Friday Eve
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze primary resources from the time period to gain a deeper understanding of the language and events of the time.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- CWoD
- **IF YOU DIDN'T DO THIS YESTERDAY*** Update blog and GMail info ... http://goo.gl/forms/RT5VzvICVB
- Complete the Google Form at the link above with your name, class period, blog address (URL), and the GMail address associated with the Google Account you log in with everyday.
- For the blog address, make SURE you are viewing the blog ... the format will be either BLOGNAME.blogspot.com OR BLOGNAME.wordpress.com ... where "BLOGNAME" is the address your chose when you created the blog.
- In your previous groups, (you may choose to work solo or with a partner as well - but NO MORE THAN 3 IN A GROUP), you will finish reading "The Paston Letters" on pp. 128-137 in the literature book and then convert each letter to the modern day equivalent of a text message or tweet for each paragraph in the letter.
- (ie. the first letter ... 28 February 1449 ... has 3 large/main paragraphs ... so you would have 3 short tweets or texts effectively summarizing each paragraph.
- You may write your answers on paper .. OR you may type them (which would probably be easier) in a Google or Word Online document that you will share with me when you finish. If you choose this option, share it with me at my email address - richard.davis@sfisd.org
- You may use the regular text - but the online text might be more helpful since it is more interactive. Remember you can access the online text at http://my.hrw.com ... be sure to add that to your favorites so it will always be easy to find when you are using the Chromebook OR using your Google profile on ANY computer anywhere (with Internet access)
- Once you've finished (if you finish today - which we probably won't) you may continue working on the pre-reading activity from yesterday and/or the webquest. YOU MAY CONTINUE WORKING WITH PARTNERS OR GROUPS FOR THIS! We will quiz over the Webquest on Friday. I will be checking blogs for the pre-reading work no later than next Monday.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
10/28 ... Wednesday ... Continuing with the Twittification (or Textification) of The Paston Letters ... Early Release Day
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze primary resources from the time period to gain a deeper understanding of the language and events of the time.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- CWoD
- Update blog and GMail info ... http://goo.gl/forms/RT5VzvICVB
- Complete the Google Form at the link above with your name, class period, blog address (URL), and the GMail address associated with the Google Account you log in with everyday.
- For the blog address, make SURE you are viewing the blog ... the format will be either BLOGNAME.blogspot.com OR BLOGNAME.wordpress.com ... where "BLOGNAME" is the address your chose when you created the blog.
- In your previous groups, (you may choose to work solo or with a partner as well - but NO MORE THAN 3 IN A GROUP), you will continue reading "The Paston Letters" on pp. 128-137 in the literature book and then convert each letter to the modern day equivalent of a text message or tweet for each paragraph in the letter.
- (ie. the first letter ... 28 February 1449 ... has 3 large/main paragraphs ... so you would have 3 short tweets or texts effectively summarizing each paragraph.
- You may write your answers on paper .. OR you may type them (which would probably be easier) in a Google or Word Online document that you will share with me when you finish. If you choose this option, share it with me at my email address - richard.davis@sfisd.org
- You may use the regular text - but the online text might be more helpful since it is more interactive. Remember you can access the online text at http://my.hrw.com ... be sure to add that to your favorites so it will always be easy to find when you are using the Chromebook OR using your Google profile on ANY computer anywhere (with Internet access).
- Once you've finished (if you finish today - which we probably won't) you may continue working on the pre-reading activity from yesterday and/or the webquest. We will quiz over the Webquest on Thursday. I will be checking blogs for the pre-reading work no later than next Monday.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
10/27 ... Tuesday ... Reinventing 'The Paston Letters"
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales. Students will analyze primary resources from the time period to gain a deeper understanding of the language and events of the time.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- CWoD
- In groups of no more than 3 (you may choose to work solo or with a partner as well - but NO MORE THAN 3 IN A GROUP), you will read "The Paston Letters" on pp. 128-137 in the literature book and then convert each letter to the modern day equivalent of a text message or tweet for each paragraph in the letter.
- (ie. the first letter ... 28 February 1449 ... has 3 large/main paragraphs ... so you would have 3 short tweets or texts effectively summarizing each paragraph.
- You may write your answers on paper .. OR you may type them (which would probably be easier) in a Google or Word Online document that you will share with me when you finish. If you choose this option, share it with me at my email address - richard.davis@sfisd.org
- You may use the regular text - but the online text might be more helpful since it is more interactive. Remember you can access the online text at http://my.hrw.com ... be sure to add that to your favorites so it will always be easy to find when you are using the Chromebook OR using your Google profile on ANY computer anywhere (with Internet access).
- Once you've finished (if you finish today - which we probably won't) you may continue working on the pre-reading activity from yesterday and/or the webquest. We will quiz over the Webquest on Thursday. I will be checking blogs for the pre-reading work no later than next Monday.
Monday, October 26, 2015
10/26 - Monday - Canterbury Tales Pre-Reading
Objective ...
Students will relate their own ideas and experiences to some of the central themes of the Canterbury Tales.
Warm-up ...
Today ...
- CWoD
- Canterbury Tales Pre-Reading Activity
- In a separate blog entry from your CWoD, rate the following statements 1-5 where:
- Then write a 3-4 sentence response to each one explaining your rating and thoughts - whether you agree with that statement or not and why ...
- "Greed is the root of all evil."
- "Power corrupts everyone who has it."
- "Dreams are often predictors of the future."
- "No one understands morality better than the immoral."
- "The more educated you are, the better a person you are."
- "Society must be divided into classes in order to function properly."
- "Turning the other cheek is the best response to cruelty."
- "When an agreement is made, it must be honored - no matter what."
- "Women should have all the power in a relationship."
- FOR EXAMPLE ... I rated "greed is the root of all evil" as a 1 - I feel like it is always true. While there are many kinds of evil in the world, all seem to connect back to someone's need to meet some selfish desire or ambition. Their acts are driven by this and by their focus only on their own wants and needs - it is almost impossible to be evil if you consider the needs, wants, and feelings of others. Therefore, greed is, indeed, the root of all evil.
- Once you've completed the pre-reading blog entry, continue working on the Webquest - the quiz over that information is coming soon.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
10/22 ... Finishing the Webquest (Advisory Schedule)
Students will research and gather information about Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, and the Medieval Period using online resources.
College Word of the Day ... GREGARIOUS
- using the following Webquest http://bit.ly/1W0mDP0 we will begin gathering background information about the next period in English Literature and a key piece of work from that period
- you will need to copy and paste the entire Webquest document into a Word online document or a Google Doc - and you will keep all your answers there. This is a paperless assignment using all internet/cloud based resources
- using the websites listed (as well as any others you might turn up using web searches) provide detailed answers to the related questions. Answers should be more like note taking than paragraph form. Bullet points are fine .. Things don't have to be in complete sentences.
- get as much finished as you can in class today .. It will take several days to do what we have planned, so it isn't "due" today, but you need to be making progress on it
- at the end of each class, make sure the Chromebooks are put up carefully and neatly AND BE SURE THEY ARE PLUGGED IN TO CHARGE.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Wednesday, 10/21 ... Back to the Future Day ... Continuing the Webquest ...
Students will research and gather information about Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, and the Medieval Period using online resources.
College Word of the Day ... ONEROUS
- using the following Webquest http://bit.ly/1W0mDP0 we will begin gathering background information about the next period in English Literature and a key piece of work from that period
- you will need to copy and paste the entire Webquest document into a Word online document or a Google Doc - and you will keep all your answers there. This is a paperless assignment using all internet/cloud based resources
- using the websites listed (as well as any others you might turn up using web searches) provide detailed answers to the related questions. Answers should be more like note taking than paragraph form. Bullet points are fine .. Things don't have to be in complete sentences.
- get as much finished as you can in class today .. It will take several days to do what we have planned, so it isn't "due" today, but you need to be making progress on it
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Tuesday, 10/20 ... Continuing the WebQuest
Students will research and gather information about Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, and the Medieval Period using online resources.
College Word of the Day ... SPURIOUS
- using the following Webquest http://bit.ly/1W0mDP0 we will begin gathering background information about the next period in English Literature and a key piece of work from that period
- you will need to copy and paste the entire Webquest document into a Word online document or a Google Doc - and you will keep all your answers there. This is a paperless assignment using all internet/cloud based resources
- using the websites listed (as well as any others you might turn up using web searches) provide detailed answers to the related questions. Answers should be more like note taking than paragraph form. Bullet points are fine .. Things don't have to be in complete sentences.
- get as much finished as you can in class today .. It will take several days to do what we have planned, so it isn't "due" today, but you need to be making progress on it
- at the end of each class, make sure the Chromebooks are put up carefully and neatly AND BE SURE THEY ARE PLUGGED IN TO CHARGE.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Monday, 10/19 ... Beginning the Journey to Canterbury and Medieval England
Students will research and gather information about Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, and the Medieval Period using online resources.
College Word of the Day ... ABROGATE
- using the following Webquest http://bit.ly/1W0mDP0 we will begin gathering background information about the next period in English Literature and a key piece of work from that period
- you will need to copy and paste the entire Webquest document into a Word online document or a Google Doc - and you will keep all your answers there. This is a paperless assignment using all internet/cloud based resources
- using the websites listed (as well as any others you might turn up using web searches) provide detailed answers to the related questions. Answers should be more like note taking than paragraph form. Bullet points are fine .. Things don't have to be in complete sentences.
- get as much finished as you can in class today .. It will take several days to do what we have planned, so it isn't "due" today, but you need to be making progress on it
- at the end of each class, make sure the Chromebooks are put up carefully and neatly AND BE SURE THEY ARE PLUGGED IN TO CHARGE.
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Wednesday, 10/14 - ASVAB, PSAT day
My classes will not meet today due to ASVAB and PSAT testing.
Refer to yesterday's blog for info on review notes for the 9 Week Test - we will take the 9 Week Test in class tomorrow, 10/15.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
Tuesday, 10/13 ... Beowulf Test ... 9 Week Exam Review Notes (Online Copy Only)
Review your test review, webquest, and the text if needed in preparation for the Beowulf Test. You will need a pen or pencil to bubble with.
- Beowulf Exam - 35 Questions ... Multiple Choice
- DO NOT WRITE ON THE EXAM (There were issues with the copiers this morning and I was limited to making a class set of exams - sorry about that, but it couldn't be helped).
- Nine Week Exam (Thursday in class & Friday as needed)
- The review notes can be found here ... there is no grade for the review, but I would recommend you look over the review notes and the reading selection between now and Thursday as prep for this exam. The exam itself is like an EOC exam and is more skill based than content based, thus there is no review sheet for content like we had for Beowulf.
Beowulf Review - Turn it in to the top tray on my desk ASAP.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Friday, 10/9 .. Finishing Beowulf ... Test Prep
Students will
WARM UP ... College Word of the Day ... Complete a CWoD Concept Map for the following term:
Students will
- Relate the characters, setting, and theme of Beowulf to the historical, social, & economic ideas of its time.
- Evaluate the changes in sound, form, fig. lang. and dramatic structure of poetry.
WARM UP ... College Word of the Day ... Complete a CWoD Concept Map for the following term:
- Cellphone policy review - 5/5 ... 5 at the beginning of class WHILE you get started for the day and work on the warm-up ... 5 at the end of the period WHILE you finish up and put up for the day. It isn't 10 minutes of cell phone free time ... just me being considerate in case you have personal business to deal with or need to text work, home, etc. It can go away.
- On TEST days and QUIZ days, phones are not allowed at all for any reason.
- Phones are not allowed during class. Earbuds/headphones are only allowed when needed to hear something on the Chromebooks - unless specific permission is granted that day.
- Finish reading Beowulf.
- "Beowulf's Last Battle" thru p. 70 should be read by the end of class on Friday.
- All reading questions will be due and must be turned in by the end of class on Friday (turn them in that day - not before).
- Complete the "Learning Log" assignment below and post to your blog (separate from today's CWoD)
- As you read, you should also continue working on the Beowulf test review - we will take the Beowulf test on Tuesday 10/13. The review itself will be a daily grade and will be turned in on test day.
- The review is on top of the Chromebook cart ... or can be found here: Beowulf Test Review
- LEARNING LOG ... Copy and answer the following questions in 2-3 sentences each in your blog:
- 1) What were the main ideas/themes of Beowulf?
- 2) What did you understand best about it?
- 3) What did you understand least about it?
- 4) How do these ideas relate to what you already knew about Anglo-Saxon England?
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