Monday, September 10, 2018

Monday, September 10 ... Hero Journal


All classes will write a journal (for a quiz grade) over the following prompt. It is due today before they leave. If it is not turned in today, it will be considered “late” and the 25 point late penalty will be assessed. Their response must be 300-400 words and must be handwritten. 

Discuss someone you see as a hero - what qualities of theirs make them a hero? What qualities does our society look for in someone to qualify them as a hero? Why are heroes inportant to society - what impact do they have?

This is not a process paper ... they do not need to prewrite or rough draft. Just put pen to paper and go. Students may listen to music through earbuds as they write if that helps them focus. Regardless, their writing is due before they leave and must be turned in.