Monday, December 17 ... Character Letter to Santa and EXAM REVIEW INFO
- Choose any character from our readings thus far this year, and think about the 4 things that character most valued or wanted (and what motivated that character to want or value those things), then ....
- TYPE THE FOLLOWING IN THE ASSIGNMENT "Character Analysis Essay - Letter to Santa" on CANVAS
- Write a letter to Santa from that character's perspective and in that character's voice.
- Ask for 4 things
- Be very specific as to why you want those things
- Stay true to your character's personality and sense of self
- 250-400 words
- Due by Wednesday, December 19
- TEST GRADE (even if I signed your exemption forn, you are not exempt if you faill to turn this in)
- EXAM REVIEW ... ours will be a CBA/STAAR style exam with cold reads and questions from them as well as some questions over editing and revising. You may want to review the following
- WORDS TO REVIEW: Rectitude, Sophisticated, Elegant, Candid, Ponderous, Refined, Plausible, Forthright, Transparency, Desperation, Decisiveness, Uprightness, Induced, Retinue, Savor, Piety, Clemency
- LITERARY CONCEPTS TO REVIEW: Figurative Language, Symbol, Tone, Theme, Conflict, Summary
- REVISING/EDITING REVIEW: Capitalization Rules, Using Hyphens, Writing Numbers in a Sentence, Comma Rules, Using Colons and Semicolons,