Retrieve your notes about the common traits of Medieval Romances from yesterday.
Begin watching "Monty Python and the Holy Grail" ... it is a satire of the Medieval Romance and of Arthurian Legend, but it will connect to many of the same traits of a Medieval Romance noted above.
Continue to note the traits of a Medieval Romance that the movie reflects.
- Knights and the Code of Chivalry
- Idealization or High Expectations of the Hero-Knight
- Women are idealized and prominently figured in the story
- Set in a vast fairy tale like or legendary land (like Camelot)
- Supernatural elements abound
- Romantic Quest - a hero will go on a journey to find something, perform a task, or find love
- Plot is usually simple and predictable - but with some kind of ironic twist
- Repetition of a period of time (a year and a day) or "magic" numbers (3 & 7)
You will need to be familiar with this for the test next week (currently planned for Wednesday, November 9th).