Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2 ... Project Workday (QR Codes for Part 2) ... 23 Days Remaining

Students will synthesize a creative product from their knowledge and analysis of Shakespearean literature.

None - read the blog ... get to work.  Ask questions if you need to.  This is your last day (in class) to work on the project, so make the most of it.


  • You need to create and print out the QR code to direct people to where you've posted your Part 2 online.  The posting instructions are still below.
    • You may use ANY QR Code Generator you want ... is one example ... but which one you use doesn't matter.
    • Copy and paste the code to a Word docunent with your name and the name of your project and PRINT 2 COPIES (One to turn in to me; one to display on Thursday with your work).

    • How you'll do it depends on whether it's easier to use a school computer OR your phone.  Up to you.  But the easiest ways I could find are below ... 
  • ON A SCHOOL COMPUTER - using TeacherTube ...
    • Click the GREEN button that says "Students Start Here"
    • Create your Account
    • Click on UPLOAD FILE
      • You can upload a video recorded on the Chromebooks if you are doing a video blog OR you can upload a Powerpoint (if you are using Google Slides, you will need to click: 
        • FILE ... DOWNLOAD AS ... MICROSOFT POWERPOINT (the file will appear in your downloads list)
      • in the "tags" section, add the hashtags #daviseng4 and #macbethmuseumproject
      • Upload away!

    • Using the YouTube app (Video blog only) ... 
      • Click on the Account Icon
      • Click the Red Camera Button
      • Record your blog
      • Add the hashtags #daviseng4 and #macbethmuseumproject to the description
      • Upload away!

  • Continue your work on your Macbeth Museum Project.
  • Finished work (both Part 1 and Part 2) will be due May 5th - Part two (whether it is a slide show or a video blog will be posted online ... we will post and print the QR codes for Part 2 in the computer lab on Monday.)