Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Wednesday, March 27 ... Aldous Huxley Timeline Project

Part One ...

  • Create a timeline for the timeline of Aldous Huxley
  • Choose 10 significant events from his life
  • Illustrate 5 of the events (as best you can ... symbols ... stick figures ... etc are acceptable)
  • Use at least 5 different colors on your timeline

Part Two ... 

  • Answer the following questions on the back of your timeline ... 
  1. What is the significance of the title of his novel Brave New World?
  2. When was the novel Brave New World written?
  3. What type (genre) of novel is it?
  4. Why is it banned in so many schools?


You will have time to work on this TODAY AND FRIDAY.  It is due before you leave on Friday (3/29).