Monday, May 13, 2019

May 13 ... Continuing the BNW Essay ... 19 Days Remaining!

BACK TO THIS ... WE WILL SHIFT THE DUE DATE TO TOMORROW (5/14) AND IT WILL NOW BE A TEST GRADE.  If you have already turned it in, you may continue to edit or change it until tomorrow.

Students will analyze themes of the novel and write a personal response to the following prompt.  TEST GRADE.  300-400 words.  You may type it and share it with me ( OR write it on a sheet of paper and turn it in to the tray.

In Brave New World, the government has taken away any conventional idea of LOVE or of FAMILIES.  Think about the world in which you live - how important (even when imperfect or unconventional) are these concepts to our society?  Would we lose our sense of humanity without them (EXPLAIN)?  Is there any facet of our lives that would be improved without them (EXPLAIN)?